"Workforce Education at Green River was VERY instrumental in allowing me to go back to school, and I'm grateful for all the assistance I received and continue to receive." - Genie L, Green River Student

"Make sure you talk to Workforce Education...They can help in many ways to make things go smoothly and make sense." - Chris S, Green River Student

"Workforce Education...will embrace you and lend a helping hand with open hearts." Elsie Q, Green River Student

"Workforce Education has been there for me since day one!" - Jenny S, Green River student

Feb 4, 2015

Student success profile - Heather Hansen

Heather Hansen with her two little girls


Today's success story features an inspirational Q and A with Heather Hansen who is a Workforce Education student enrolled in the Business Management Degree program at Green River.
As a single mother of 2 girls, she realized that her waitressing job did not provide a whole lot of satisfaction and direction in life. She decided that more education was the only way to create a brighter future for her children. Her journey does not stop after graduating with her AA degree in Business Management. She has plans to continue on to get her Bachelor’s degree.
A bright future awaits this Green River grad!

 Check out her story below.

Hello Heather - What's it like being a student in the Business Management degree program?

 Heather:  I am so excited to be a part of the Business Management program here at Green River. It is a great program with a handful of great instructors.

What lead you to pursue training in this particular field?

Heather:  I am a single mom with two little girls, so my waitressing jobs make it very difficult to feel a whole lot of structure. I needed something else in life. I wanted to go back to school.......

How has Workforce Education helped you achieve your goals?

Heather:  Given the situation I was in, it would have been very difficult for me to go back to school on my own. Workforce Education paid for my tuition and books! They made going back to school so exciting and stress free for me. It felt so good! I even qualified for certificates that I had no idea even existed, and guess what, they paid for those too!!!

You're getting ready to graduate with your Associate of Business Management degree -- congrats! What are your future plans?

Heather:  Now that I'm getting ready to graduate with my AA, I have actually decided to continue on and get my Bachelor's degree which is also offered at Green River. Thank you Workforce for getting me here!!!