Mahabat Amen Working to reach her goal to be a teacher |
Today's student success profile features a Q and A with Mahabat Amen. Mahabat is a Workforce Education student enrolled in the Para Educator program. Mahabat came to the United States from Kurdistan (Iraq) with a dream to become an elementary school teacher. With more than 14 years as a secondary school Mathematics teacher in Iraq, she decided to improve her English language skills at GRCC and take it one step at a time to reach her ultimate goal to be a teacher. Mahabat talks about her achievements and upcoming plans for the future.
Hi Mahabat, thanks for joining us on the blog. What led you to pursue training in the Para Educator field?
Mahabat: My love for children motivated me to pursue training in this particular field. Children are great assets of our society. That is why I like to be a teacher and help them to be happy and successful in their future. For more than 14 years I was a secondary school math teacher in my country (Kurdistan, in Iraq). I wanted to be a teacher here as well, but due to lack of English language skills, I wasn't able to achieve that right away. I therefore decided to work in childcare as a teacher, but they required certification. For this reason I took CDA classes at Green River Community College.
How has
Workforce Education helped you achieve your goals?
Mahabat: Workforce Education supported me a lot without my having concerns about funding. With the help of the Opportunity Grant and BFET programs I was able to take CDA classes at Green River Community College. CDA was the first step for me in learning a lot about child development, and it also helped with my language skills. I obtained my CDA certificate. I greatly benefited from the classes by understanding much more about children and their world. I t also motivated me to take more classes on Early Childhood Education. Later on I got my ECE certificate and took some Para Educator classes. .
Will you be getting a degree or certificate in the Para Educator program?
Mahabat: I hope I have the opportunity to complete the remaining credits in the Para Educator program.