Hi Jenny. What is it like being a student in Green River's Practical Nursing program?
Jenny: It is like having two full-time jobs! One being in school on campus, and the other all the hours studying.
Can you briefly tell us the story of how you decided to pursue training in this field?
Jenny: I have always wanted to be a nurse and after being laid off, I thought it was the perfect time to pursue my dream.
How has Workforce Education helped you towards completing your goals?
Jenny: Workforce Education has been there for me since day one! It is a hard road to navigate from being employed full-time and transitioning to a full-time student. Since I was laid off I applied for Training Benefits (additional weeks of UI benefits) through the Employment Security Department. I didn't know where to start, but I was fortunate in having Workforce Education on my side during the process. In the beginning, I was emailing, calling, and going into their office about once a week! And every time I was helped and guided in the right direction. I will forever be grateful as I know this is a difficult path to navigate alone.
What advice would you have for new students who are thinking about pursuing Practical Nursing training at Green River?
Jenny: I would say go for it! Make the commitment to yourself and stick to it no matter what. It is hard and for two years school will be your life, but it will be worth it in the end. I will finally have a college education, working as a nurse and doing what I love.
$$$ Tip! All four Workforce Education funding programs - BFET, Opportunity Grant, Worker Retraining, and WorkFirst - support Practical Nursing training at Green River.