Knowledge is power. You have the power to earn that degree or certificate if you know where the free grant money is to pay for it, and that's precisely where the Workforce Education Office at Green River comes into the picture. We're here to help you find free money to help you pay for school. We're your resource connection.
There are lots of grant programs at Green River and in the surrounding community in place to help students pay for school. There's Worker Retraining, Opportunity Grant, WorkFirst, and BFET (the four programs administered by the team here in Workforce Education). There's also Federal Financial Aid, WIA funds, Green River Foundation scholarships, as well as scholarships offered on
Yet another possible source of funding is Trade Adjustment Assistance, which is unique in terms of the depth and breadth of support it can offer qualifying students. Benefits through this federally funded program may include fully funded training at a community college, a health care subsidy, weekly income support, funding for out-of-area job searches, funding to relocate for suitable employment, and a wage subsidy for older workers.
Trade Adjustment Assistance is typically available to workers whose employer moved production outside the USA; outsourced jobs outside the USA; imported from foreign suppliers; competed with foreign companies; or experienced a change in customer supply due to foreign competition.
To learn more visit At this site you can read about Trade Adjustment Assistance in detail and determine your eligibility for benefits. You can also call 1-866-TAA-3399 or ask to speak with a Trade Act counselor at your local WorkSource affiliate.