Specifically, Green River offers three different professional career assessments to aid students in their search for fulfilling future careers. These assessments include the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Strong Interest Inventory (SII), and StrengthsQuest.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can help you determine what type of career would fit your personality. According to greenriver.edu, the MBTI has been used for more than 50 years and is the most trusted personality tool available today. In a nutshell it helps you:
- Identify careers that might fit and satisfy you
- Improve individual and team performance
- Develop your leadership style
- Idenitfy your personality type
- Pinpoint the most satisfying career choice for you
- Measure your interest in 6 general occupational themes
- Find your fit in relation to 122 diverse occupations
- Discover and develop your 5 greatest strengths
- Use your strengths to improve your grades and increase learning
- Strategically determine a rewarding career path
- Focus on your strengths rathen than on your weaknesses
In sum, if you're in need of retraining but are uncertain of what occupation to retrain for, taking one or a mix of these assessments might help steer you in the right direction. All three assessments can be purchased and taken at the Zgolinski Welcome Center. Green River charges students $20 per assessment and non-students $40 per assessment.
Can't afford to purchase an assessment? Visit the Workforce Education Office in SMT 229 to receive a waiver to take the Strong Interest Inventory at no cost. Just ask the front desk assistant for a free career assessment.