Adrienne Palmer |
Hi Adrienne. Thanks for joining us on the blog. You coordinate the Math Learning Center, which offers an array of free, math-related services to Green River students. Can you provide a short overview of services?
Adrienne: Probably the most utilized service the Math Learning Center offers is our drop-in peer tutoring. We have both student and community members who value education and offer their time to help out our students. In addition to the tutoring, students are able to rent calculators for the quarter, and to check out any current math textbook and some solutions manuals for an hour or so. If a student has forgotten their calculator on an exam day, they can borrow one from us while they take their exam.
You've worked as a math instructor at Green River since 1995; as such, you have a solid understanding of what factors contribute to student success. What are some practical steps students can take to be more successful in their math classes?
Adrienne: I always tell my students that if they want to succeed in my math classes, they really need to make a point of going to class every day. Even missing one day of class will set a student behind. To become successful in math, you need to go to class EVERY day, listen well and take notes, look over your notes, do the homework problems on the day it is assigned (don’t wait until the day before it’s due – by then you may already have forgotten how to do most of the problems), and don’t be afraid of asking questions. Once you get familiar enough with the problems, you start realizing that most of math has a pattern to it.
On a more personal note, what do you like most about teaching math?
Adrienne: I love explaining math problems to students and seeing that light bulb go off in their heads. It’s very rewarding to have a student make all the connections and see the big picture. Also, I just love being in the classroom and sharing my knowledge with them. I like walking around the room and seeing my students working collaboratively on problems. Being in the classroom gives me an energy boost that takes me through my day.
The Math Tutoring Center is located in the BI building, rooms 5 and 6. You can find hours of operation and a detailed overview of services by visiting the MLC on the web.