Hi Dick. Thanks for joining us on the blog. To start, what type of person is a good fit for the Natural Resources Program at GRCC?
DICK: The characteristics of many of the incoming students in Natural Resources include: interest in learning about the science of nature; those who enjoy hiking uphill in the woods and in the rain; those who are fascinated with fire; those who want to work outdoors and think the day begins before sunrise; those who are hands-on and visual learners; those interested in forest ecology; those interested in fish, birds, insects, and wildlife; those interested in using renewable resources; those interested in forest engineering and equipment; and those who want to plant new seedlings in the ground.
What jobs does a degree in Natural Resources prepare students for?
DICK: Forest technician, biological science technician, scientific technician, forest contract supervisor, owner or consultant of a natural resources contracting company, forest fire crew supervisor, forest engineering assistant, forest inventory technician, geographic information systems (GIS) technician in natural resources, assistant park ranger, trail maintenance supervisor, fish hatchery technician, streams technician, or reforestation supervisor.
How can prospective students learn more about the Natural Resources Program at GRCC, and how can they learn more about the field in general?
DICK: To learn about the program at GRCC, visit the Natural Resources webpage at http://www.naturalresourceseducation.com/. To learn more about the field in general, visit the Society of American Foresters webpage at http://www.safnet.org/.
Funding Tip! All four Workforce Education funding streams - Worker Retraining, Opportunity Grant, BFET, and WorkFirst - support the Natural Resources Program at GRCC.